Stage Curtain Systems

Stage Curtain Systems » It is generally a 100% shirred acoustic characteristic velvet fabric which is suitable to Din 4102 B1 non flammable norm. » It is controlled by a mechanism which can move vertical and horizontal. PhotosFree Expedition You can get a free quote for our stage mechanical services by filling out the…

Background Curtain System

Background Curtain System » The fabric that is generally preferred non-pilesus black color located behind and beside the stage and used for creating background and adding depth to the stage. PhotosFree Expedition You can get a free quote for our stage mechanical services by filling out the form on the right.

Backstage Curtain & Leg Curtain

Backstage Curtain & Leg Curtain » The backstage curtain systems (also known as leg curtain) that are tied vertically both sides of stage, aligned in paralel sequentially, able to turn around own axes 360 degree and provide exit from several points to the stage for artists who wait for their’s in play turn. PhotosFree Expedition…

Molton Fabric

Molton Fabric » Stage curtaıns are special curtain systems wıth wıde dımensıons. Theater fınds ıts own use areas ın varıous halls and performance centers. Motorızed systems. They are controlled by remote control and/or button. Some curtaıns are so wıde that one motor ıs suffıcıent. These work wıth two engınes. Manufacturıng, ınstallatıon and qualıty testıng of…

Star Led Curtain

Star Led Curtain » We can create a backstage fund; night club, live performance, wedding, bar, dısco etc. It is led curtaın system that can be used in entertainment places. You can experience remote controlled rgb led and white light control on flammable molton fabric. Product Features: • VOLTAGE: 90V-240V • FUSE: 3A • FREQUENCY:…

Velvet Curtain Fabric

Velvet Curtain Fabric A range of colored cotton, polyester and mohair stage velvets in a variety of weights and finishes. Luxurious front curtains and valances are produced as borders, legs, stage skirts and backdrops and serve a decorative and technical function on the stage. Curtains can be embossed with logos and historical patterns and can…